
Training and Development

Customized Training: Where Potential Meets Performance

Introducing Mindshops: These sessions are like no other, combining the awesomeness of a Mastermind and Mentorship all rolled into one interactive Workshop. We’ve custom-designed these programs to meet the specific needs of your team because we know that cookie-cutter approaches just don’t cut it.

When you join Edna’s Mindshops, get ready for a mind-blowing experience! We’re talking
structured content, open coaching, hands-on exercises, and team-building activities, all aimed at igniting new thinking and maximizing growth. It’s like a turbo boost for your team’s success!

What makes our programs stand out is that
they’re tailored just for you. We take the time to understand your team’s goals and challenges so that we can create a program that hits the bullseye. No one-size-fits-all nonsense here, my friend!

And let’s talk about the Mastermind concept. We bring together a group of incredible individuals, just like you, who share similar aspirations and goals. It’s like a
powerhouse of collective wisdom and inspiration. Through facilitated discussions and shared experiences, you’ll gain mind-blowing insights and perspectives that will take your collaboration and growth to the next level.

But wait, there’s more! Our programs also include mentorship. We’ve got experienced mentors who are ready to guide and support you on your journey. These mentors bring a wealth of knowledge, offering you
invaluable advice and expertise to help you conquer any obstacle and achieve your wildest dreams.

Now, let’s get interactive! Our mindshops are designed to be
hands-on and engaging. You won’t be snoozing in the back row, my friend. We’ll have you on your feet, participating, and applying what you’ve learned. It’s all about taking action and making those breakthroughs happen!

And guess what? You’ll also get one-on-one coaching sessions with Edna herself. That’s right, personalized guidance and support tailored specifically to your needs. You’ll have the chance to address your unique challenges and get those burning questions answered. It’s like having your own secret weapon in your corner! 
But it’s not all work and no play. We’ve got team-building activities that will have you bonding and connecting like never before. Because let’s face it, when your team is united and fired up, there’s no limit to what you can achieve together!

So get ready to unleash your potential and experience mind-blowing growth. Edna’s Mindshops are here to take you to the next level. It’s time to think big, dream big, and make big things happen! Let’s do this!

(Time: 2.5 hours, Half day, or Full day(s))

Partner with a Proven Expert

Unlock Efficiency, Increase Profitability, and Seize Untapped Opportunities the Right Way. Our Tailored Mindshops, blending John Maxwell and Battle to Booming (B2B) Programs, will Engage, Equip, Empower, and Enlighten Your Key Leaders and Teams.

Our Training and Development Programs are designed for Business Owners, Sales Leaders, Professionals, and Inspirational Individuals across Various Industries.

With our Comprehensive Approach and Experienced Management Team, we’ll create Customized Growth Plans and Development Programs aligned with your goals.

Looking for Multiple Trainers? We’ve got you covered. As part of the Maxwell Leadership Team and JCCEOs, we have access to a vast network of Coaches and Trainers ready to support your success.

Investment: Contact us for Quote

Why Partner with Us for Your Tailored Sales & Leadership Training? 🎯

Experience a new level of success with a team that doesn't just work, but thrives. Imagine your business breaking through barriers and embracing a culture of innovation as the standard.

We’re not offering a one-size-fits-all solution; we’re talking about a custom-tailored game plan built around Your unique organizational needs. We’ve got insights so actionable, they’ll practically supercharge your bottom line.

A New Kind of Diversity:

We’ve been talking about ethnic, gender, and income diversity for years. There is another kind of diversity that gets less attention but is just as real. It’s age diversity.

Each generation of team member has something unique to offer based on their experience—but barriers frequently prevent people from leveraging these strengths. It’s time to break the barriers to leveraging the strengths of different generations on your team.

In A New Kind of Diversity, best-selling author Tim Elmore (License holder ) brings his decades of research and leadership experience to bear on what might be the biggest, most dramatic, and most disruptive shift the American workforce has ever seen: the vast diversity of several generations living—and working—together.

The past few years have brought an endless cascade of social media movements that left many of us…well…scratching our heads. #Occupy Wallstreet. #March For Our Lives. #Black Lives Matter. #MeToo. #ClimateChange.

Regardless of how you might feel about these protests, each symbolizes a gap. Despite the perspectives on all sides of these causes, a clear issue remains: There is a huge gap in this country that few are taking seriously. While diversity is usually seen as an ethnic, gender, or income issue—there is a new kind of diversity that only eight percent of US companies even recognize: diverse generations on teams.

Long laughed off as a cliché and more recently mocked in memes #HowToConfuseMillennials and #OKBoomer hashtags, the generational gap has become an undeniable tension in the global workplace. Sadly, it has fostered:

  • Loneliness in our workplaces.
  • Poor communication on our teams.
  • Reduction in revenue and team morale.
  • Conflicting values and priorities in the office.
  • Divisions that lead to “walls” instead of “bridges.”

For the first time in history, up to five generations find themselves working alongside each other in a typical company. The result? There can be division. Interactions between people from different generations can resemble a cross-cultural relationship. Both usually possess different values and customs. At times, each generation is literally speaking a different language!

How can we hope to work together when we can’t even understand each other?

This Mastermind or Workshop provides the tools to:

  • Get the moast out of the strengths of each age group on your team.
  • Foster effective communication instead of isolation among people.
  • Build bridges rather than walls so that loneliness becomes connectedness.
  • Connect people to learn how both veterans and rookies can mentor each other.

Core Learning Systems

Battle to Booming and John Maxwell Programs

Leverage proven strategies and fresh approaches that resonate with today’s market. Your teams will undergo a mindset shift, adapt innovative ways to break barriers, and foster long-term partnerships and relationships that pave the way for sustainable growth. Tailor-made to fit your unique organizational objectives, you’ll learn actionable insights to bolster your bottom line.

Confidence is everything in business. Developing Team alignment (aka “Synergy”) is essential to business success. This simply means that your entire organization is pulling in the same direction. The vision you have for your company should be at the center of everything you do. If your vision is crystal clear and you have the “buy in” of your team, then your organization will have a mental map that can effectively guide the decision making process.

Edna will be using some of the principles she discussed in her book The Ugly Side of Sales, but will also be including ideas and strategies she uses NOW to differentiate herself, get in doors, and establish long term partnerships and relationships. She prides herself in staying relevant and being an arrow in this generation of forward thinking leaders. She constantly reinvents herself and ensures that every tactic she suggests are not only proven, but different. She caters these customized programs to the client’s revenue goals, leaders, employees, target market, and strengths.

Topics can include: Mindset Shift, From Comfort Zone to Growth Zone, From No to Known, Purpose Vision Goals, Terror Barrier, Know Yourself, Idea Generation for New Business, The Bridge, The Benefits of Change, and many more.

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Leadership Game  

Comprehensive game based on the teachings of John C. Maxwell. It is designed to help leaders uncover gaps and areas for improvement within their leadership teams. The game helps organizations improve their leadership intelligence and increase their effectiveness. The game has been played in more than 90 countries around the world. Play the game with 6-12 of your most influential leaders. This will encompass team building, leadership assessment, and training all in one. We have facilitated the game with CEOs, fast food restaurant managers, realtors, network marketers, bankers, teachers, church leaders, and more! (Time: 1 1/2 hours)

Leadership Gold

Leadership Gold brims with nuggets of wisdom accumulated by John C. Maxwell during 30+ years of studying, practicing, and teaching leadership. Having wanted to write this book for years, John waited until turning sixty so that its content would contain only his “best of the best” leadership insights. Throughout these lessons, you’ll encounter John’s passionate belief in the value of leadership, and you’ll benefit from his unique talent for articulating principles of influence

Throughout the program, you’ll encounter John’s passionate belief in the value of leadership, and you’ll benefit from his unique talent for articulating principles of influence. Growing as a leader maximizes your talents, leverages your relationships, and magnifies your successes. In this essential book, John introduces you to the biggest, most important principles he’s uncovered about influence. Leadership Gold wastes no time wading through peripheral issues. Instead, the book cuts to the heart of what it takes to attain influence and to lead with excellence.

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

John C. Maxwell says in order to reach your potential, you must be intentional about personal growth. This training curriculum will help you understand how personal growth really works, and how you can develop yourself to become a more effective and fulfilled individual. You will learn how to build up your sense of purpose and become more successful in every area of your life.

Drawing from his own journey of self-development, John shares proven principles for upgrading your capacities to lead others and generate results. As he consistently makes plain, growth doesn’t happen automatically. To get where you want to go in life, personal development cannot be overlooked, postponed, or taken for granted. Whether you’re just starting your career or nearing its end, this book articulates truths you can apply immediately to make the most of your time, talents, and influence. Come alongside John in your growth journey to become the person you are destined to be!

“Only One Thing Stands Between You and Success. It Isn’t Experience. It Isn’t Talent.”

World-renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell says if you want to succeed, you must learn how to connect with people. And while it may seem like some folks are just born with it, the fact is anyone can learn how to make every communication an opportunity for a powerful connection. In Everyone Communicates, Few Connect, Maxwell shares the Five Principles and Five Practices to develop the crucial skill of connecting, including:

  • Finding Common Ground
  • Keeping Your Communication Simple
  • Capturing People’s Interest
  • Inspiring People
  • Staying Authentic in all Your Relationships
  • The ability to connect with others is a major determining factor in reaching your full potential. It’s no secret! Connecting is a skill you can learn and apply in your personal, professional, and family relationships- and you can start now by taking this course!


    “Life’s Greatest Lessons Are Gained From Our Losses”

    What could a hugely successful author, speaker, and coach possibly know about losing? For over 50 years, Dr. John C. Maxwell has lived life, started businesses, mentored thousands of leaders, and through it all, he has won big and learned even bigger lessons. John takes the reader on a well worn path in the pursuit of raw leadership by examining what every human has in common; those experiences we can all say, “I have been there.” Every one of us has experienced a disappointing loss in our own personal growth or leadership. How we have responded to those mistakes, errors, slips in judgment or just plain missing the goal has formed us even now.

    No bad experience has to ultimately defeat us. This book helps light the path to a more fulfilling life by examining loss, not from measuring what one does not have, but how loss can bring abundance. Every negative event or loss that occurs can become a great learning opportunity to take us all the newer and greater heights in our own lives.

    Intentional Living

    Deep down, what does every person want most? To live a life that matters. We all want to feel like the time we spent on earth made a difference. How do we achieve that?

    John Maxwell believes the answer is intentional living. John says, “When you intentionally use your influence every day to bring about positive change in the lives of others, you achieve significance.” There is a big difference between a life of good intentions and an intentional life. Almost everyone has good intentions. An intentional life, however, has thought and purpose to it. And the best thing about intentional living? It’s within everyone’s reach. This book by John Maxwell shows you how.

    What Do You Need to Make Your Dreams Come True?

    Your dream has power. It can inspire you. It can empower you. But will it reward you? In this course to reaching your dreams, Dr. John C. Maxwell shows you how to do the things needed to make your dream come true. Most people fail to realize their potential because their dream remains hypothetical. Put Your Dream to the Test takes your dream from ethereal to achievable. Maxwell shows you how to crystallize your vision and galvanize your commitment by instructing you how to answer ‘yes’ to questions like:

  • Is my dream really my dream?
  • Am I depending on factors in my control to achieve my dream?
  • Do I have a strategy to achieve my dream?
  • Have I included the people I need to realize my dream?
  • Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?
  • Does my dream benefit others?
  • How to Positively Impact the Lives of Other

    Whatever your vocation or aspiration, you can increase your impact on others by Becoming a Person of Influence. Learn simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others, and watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts.

  • Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
  • Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
  • Coaches will see their clients blossom
  • Speakers will reach more people
  • Salespeople will break records
  • With influence, you can achieve success at home, at work, and in every other area of life. John C. Maxwell has spent his life raising up influencers. With humor, heart, and unique insight, he shares what he has gleaned from decades of experience in both business and nonprofit arenas. Best of all, its insights are practical and easy to apply to everyday life.

    Good Leaders Ask Great Questions

    In Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, John C. Maxwell delves into the process of becoming a successful leader by examining how questions can be used to advantage. What are the questions leaders should ask themselves? What questions should they ask members of their team? He then responds to the toughest problems leaders have presented to him.

    Using social media, Maxwell offered the floor to followers with unanswered questions about what it takes to achieve their professional best, and selected seventy questions on the most popular topics, including:

  • How can I discover my unique purpose as a leader?
  • What is the most effective daily habit that any leader should develop?
  • How do you motivate an unmotivated person?
  • How would you work with a difficult leader who has no vision?
  • This book is a thorough, insightful response to those readers and anyone who feels they have plateaued on their journey to develop their ultimate potential. Every leader has room to grow, and the advice in these pages will help readers assess their current position, and structure an effective plan to achieve their goals.

    How to Positively Impact the Lives of Other

    Success is not a destination. It is a process – a lifelong strategy of building on strengths, minimizing weaknesses, and focusing on the people and points of life that are most important. In How to be a REAL Success, John Maxwell will help you understand the keys you need to succeed in life. Whether you are a civil servant or a corporate executive, you will achieve great things by understanding four very important success building areas: Relationships, Equipping, Attitude, and Leadership.

    To Become a REAL Success—it is imperative to RELATE to others better as you understand relational rules. Adding value to people helps them to reach their full potential. Recognizing and building on the leadership potential in those around you and applying teamwork laws will help you take others to a higher level by EQUIPPING them with the proper skill sets.

    Improving your ATTITUDE through daily practices, understanding the affect your attitude has on you and those around you, and adopting an attitude that makes challenges easier to overcome is key to your success. By emulating what successful leaders do to remain at the top, LEADING others successfully to where you have gone and beyond, and influencing others from the heart and not just the head is the remaining piece of the puzzle for REAL success.

    ***Edna is certified in more John Maxwell Leadership and Personal Development Programs but these are her favorites.***
