
Break the Fear, Reclaim Your Authority



Fear is a constant companion for many business owners. It can show up in a variety of ways—fear of failure, fear of taking risks, fear of making the wrong decisions. These fears often linger in the background, influencing decisions, actions, and even relationships within your business. But here’s something every leader needs to understand: You will never have authority over what you fear.

If fear is driving your decisions, it limits your growth and holds back the potential of your business. No matter how skilled you are, how great your strategies are, or how hard you work, fear will always be the invisible ceiling that keeps you from reaching new heights.

Jesus’ Example of Authority Over Fear

To truly understand how to overcome fear, let’s look at the example of Jesus in Matthew 8:26. In the middle of a violent storm, while His disciples were panicking, Jesus calmly stood up and rebuked the wind and the waves. He wasn’t intimidated by the chaos around Him—He spoke with authority. His words silenced the storm, demonstrating His dominion over it.

As business leaders, we are called to do the same. When we face our fears head-on and operate in faith, we unlock the authority to move forward with confidence. But when we let fear control us, it becomes a barrier that blocks us from stepping into the fullness of our leadership potential. Just like the storm that could have derailed the disciples’ journey, fear tries to disrupt the trajectory of your business.

Why Fear Robs You of Authority

Fear not only cripples your ability to take decisive action but also diminishes your influence over others. Whether it’s fear of launching a new product, fear of making a big investment, or even fear of trusting your team with greater responsibility, these uncertainties can paralyze progress. The moment you let fear dictate your choices, you surrender the authority God has given you.

Authority is not just about power; it’s about walking confidently in the identity and purpose God has for you. When fear holds you back, you allow it to shape your vision and cloud your judgment. True authority comes when you replace fear with faith, trusting that God is in control even when the path ahead isn’t clear.

Practical Steps to Take Back Your Authority

  1. Identify where fear is holding you back Take a moment to reflect on one area in your business where fear has been lingering. Is it in launching something new? Expanding your team? Taking a financial risk? The first step in reclaiming your authority is recognizing the specific areas where fear is influencing your decisions.
  2. Confront your fear with action The only way to overcome fear is to move through it. Once you’ve identified the area where fear is holding you back, decide to take a step of faith. It doesn’t have to be a giant leap, but taking any action that moves you forward will weaken the grip of fear. Remember, God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
  3. Speak with authority over your situation Like Jesus speaking to the storm, you have the power to speak over your circumstances with confidence. When you speak with faith, you’re not only declaring victory over fear, but you’re also stepping into the authority God has given you as a leader. Declare that fear has no place in your decisions and trust that God will guide your steps.

Fear will always try to limit your authority and growth as a business owner. But you have the ability to rise above it. Don’t let fear set the ceiling on your potential—instead, step out in faith, knowing that when you confront your fears, you reclaim your authority as a leader.

When you operate in faith and confidence, your business will flourish. Your leadership will inspire others, and you’ll experience the breakthroughs that come from walking in your God-given authority.

If you need prayer to combat any fear in your life or business, feel free to message me at prayer@favorandwealth.com. I’m here to stand with you in faith as you step into the bold authority God has called you to walk in.

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