
my story

Prior to establishing Favor and Wealth, my growth strategy development firm, I had the privilege of working with businesses and individuals worldwide. Unfortunately, I witnessed the unsightly aspects of the marketplace, even within the church. Throughout my nearly 20-year career, I immersed myself in various departments across multiple industries, including sales, marketing, management, operations, recruiting, project management, and finance. This diverse experience granted me insights into how companies operate but also exposed me to the “ugly side” of business.

Motivated to challenge the status quo, I infused biblical principles into my work and businesses, demonstrating a new path to success—one that elevates your reach, influence, and ultimately your bottom line—without exploiting others or undermining their efforts.

The grip of greed has overshadowed the goodness in people, blinding them with a get-rich-quick mentality that disregards the consequences inflicted upon others. I am determined to change this narrative. It is possible to be profitable while doing right by your clients, partners, employees, vendors, and investors. Yes, all parties involved can achieve victory.

I know there are numerous similar situations out there, and it is time for leaders to take action and make a difference in a society that seems to tolerate evil and corruption in the name of political correctness. Our complacency with the status quo is the root cause of the turmoil plaguing the world today. Our children are exposed to things that would have appalled previous generations just decades ago.

What is happening? Why are we turning a blind eye? Where is our courage and ethics? I am certain that many of you still believe in doing what is right for others, and I hope that my programs will inspire you to stand up for righteousness in the marketplace, regardless of the potential risks to your job.

It is our obligation and social responsibility to hold our employees, peers, bosses, and employers accountable. Otherwise, what kind of future will our children’s children inherit? What lessons are we imparting to the next generation? Do we truly want to encourage a culture of cheating, stealing others’ hard work, crushing ambitions and dreams, and eroding the work ethic of those striving to make a meaningful impact in their companies.

If you are passionate about joining forces with me to combat the ugly and leave behind a legacy of excellence and integrity, reach out today. I eagerly anticipate connecting with you.
